Donating to Adara Catori is a donation directly into the wallet of a cancer survivor. Click DONATE above to find out more.

Donating to Adara Catori is a donation directly into the wallet of a cancer survivor. Click DONATE above to find out more.


When you shop Adara Catori you are entering into a personalized experience you just can’t find anywhere else. Adara Catori is perfect for the unique jewelry enthusiast that wants something they just can’t seem to find. Each piece is hand crafted with heart and soul and custom orders are reviewed by both Adara Catori and the customer. Multiple updates and discussions take place on a one on one level to ensure you love your creation.

Adara Catori partners with Mel Reid Collection. Each Adara Catori piece is hand made from the artist herself creating a personalized experience for each customer. Items from Mel Reid Collection are fun, trendy and shipped from a third party. Items are listed as an Adara Catori or Mel Reid special. Check out both to see which best fits you.

About Mel Reid Collection

Mel Reid Collection houses an array of items from clothing, décor, journals and books. Clothing is made and shipped by a third party. Made to order items have short wait and ship time. Designs are fun and popular.


Adara Catori understands jewelry is more than just something you throw on as an after thought. To many, the piece of jewelry you wear is the heart of the wardrobe and the clothing is chosen around it. Jewelry has been worn for thousands of years to distinguish family heritage, birth right, social stature, and individual personality. Each piece from Adara Catori reflects such factors and is made with the customers personality in mind. Many are one of a kind items.


Mel Reid Collections is a partner store that believes all things are better when you put God at the center. Designs are fun and light, and Christian centered. Items are shipped through a third party but each item is personalized by Mel Reid.